Guide on Resetting the Error E-11 Ink Pad Counter for Epson L3160, L3166, L3168 Printers Using the Adjustment Program

Reset Epson L3168

Reset Epson L3168

If you own an Epson L3160 printer and encounter the ink pad counter error E-11, L3160, L3166, L3168, it can be frustrating. However, there is a solution to this problem – using the Epson L3160 printer adjustment program to reset the ink pad counter.

Before we dive into the steps to use the adjustment program, it’s important to understand what the ink pad counter error means. The ink pad counter is a mechanism in the printer that keeps track of the number of ink pads used for cleaning and maintenance purposes. Once the counter reaches a certain level, it triggers the E-11 error, indicating that the ink pad needs to be replaced or reset.

To reset the ink pad counter error, follow these simple steps:

1. Download the Epson L3160 printer adjustment program from a trusted source.
2. Extract the downloaded file and run the adjustment program.
3. Select the model of your printer from the available options (L3160, L3166, or L3168).
4. Click on “Particular adjustment mode” and then choose “Waste ink pad counter.”
5. Check the box next to “Main pad counter” and click on “Check” to see the current counter status.
6. Click on “Initialization” to reset the ink pad counter to zero.
7. Restart your printer to complete the reset process.

It’s important to note that the ink pad counter reset process should be performed only when you observe symptoms like a blinking power and ink indicators, inability to print or clean the printer, or when prompted by the error message. Resetting the ink pad counter without proper cause may cause ink leakage or damage to the printer.

By following these steps and using the Epson L3160 printer adjustment program, you can easily reset the ink pad counter error E-11, L3160, L3166, L3168 and continue using your printer without any hindrance.

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Download Epson L3168 Resetter

– Epson L3168 Resetter For Windows: Download
– Epson L3168 Resetter For MAC: Download

Wicreset key
Wicreset key
Fix Epson red lights blinking with errors: Service Required, A printer's ink pad at the end of its service life Please contact Epson Support.

How to Reset Epson L3168

1. Read Epson L3168 Waste Ink Pad Counter:

Reset Epson L3168 Step 2

If Resetter shows error: I/O service could not perform operation… same as below picture:
I/O service could not perform operation

==>Fix above error with Disable Epson Status Monitor: Click Here,  restart printer/computer and then try again.
2. Reset Epson L3168 Waste Ink Pad Counter
Reset Epson L3168 Step 3

– Buy Serial Key:
Wicreset key
Wicreset key
Fix Epson red lights blinking with errors: Service Required, A printer's ink pad at the end of its service life Please contact Epson Support.

3. Put Serial Key:
Reset Epson L3168 Step 4

4. Wait 30s, turn Epson L3168 off then on
Reset Epson L3168 Step 5

Reset Epson L3168 Step 6

Reset Epson L3168 Step 7

5. Check Epson L3168 Counter
Reset Epson L3168 Step 8

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How to Reset Epson L3160 Printer Ink Pad counter Error E-11, L3160, L3166, L3168 adjustment program on Youtube

– Video How to Reset Epson L3160 Printer Ink Pad counter Error E-11, L3160, L3166, L3168 adjustment program on YouTube, as of the current time, has received 649 views with a duration of 1:48, taken from the YouTube channel:

Wicreset key
Wicreset key
Fix Epson red lights blinking with errors: Service Required, A printer's ink pad at the end of its service life Please contact Epson Support.

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